Jessica's Story will be the fourth and final story to become part of our award winning documentary, Turning Toward the Morning. Released in 2002, Turning Toward the Morning brings to light the heartfelt stories of three parents who have lost a child. Widely used throughout the US, by grief groups, hospices, nursing schools, individuals and hospitals, including the National Institutes of Health, its message is far-reaching and profound, bringing healing, hope, understanding and peace to a very wide range of people: all cultures, religions, rich and poor, young and old.
New York Times bestselling author Larry Dossey, MD wrote this about Turning Toward the Morning: "One of the most powerful expressions of love, compassion and transcendence I have ever seen. Watch this with someone you love and be prepared for magic."
We have always felt the film was complete but recently I happened to see a home video made by a young couple whose baby was stillborn. In this video, they told their story beginning with their relationship, the pregnancy, the baby showers, the birth of their stillborn baby boy they named Sebastian and then the choice they made to honor him though he never took a breath on this earth: bringing family and friends in to hold him, building his casket by hand and involving their community, even the smallest children, in his funeral. Very young though they were, this couple left nothing incomplete or unfinished and as Elisabeth Kubler- Ross would have said, "They may have grief but they will never have grief work."
So it seemed to me that this story, we are calling Jessica's Story must be included in Turning Toward the Morning; that this would be the final story that would make the film whole and complete.
If you would like to help us in our efforts to complete this film, you can contribute here. The editing and the music will be our most significant production expenses.
I think that is absolutely true to say that this is a gift that will reach many, many hundreds of people. After all, there is not one person on this earth who will not have to face death and the grief that comes with it, at some time or another. Films like this one are one truly meaningful way of bringing some comfort, peace and hope in times of sadness and suffering.
Cindy Pickard
Ocate, New Mexico
December 2012